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A 2-day conference with clinical video material and lead presenter Robert J. Neborsky, MD (USA)By ISTDP London144 followers

Lämpimästi tervetuloa Suomen ensimmäisille AB-ISTDP (Attacment-Based Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy) koulutuspäiville!


When and where

Date and time

Fri, 9 Jun 2023, 09:00 – Sat, 10 Jun 2023, 17:00 EEST


Hotel Lilla Roberts 1 Pieni Roobertinkatu 00130 Helsinki Finland

Refund Policy

Contact the organiser to request a refund.Eventbrite’s fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

1 day 8 hours

  • Mobile eTicket

The information is provided in both English and Finnish below.

Alla tiedot sekä englanniksi sekä suomeksi.

The Practice of Attachment Based ISTDP:Theory, Science, and Clinical Applications

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is an accelerated, active form of psychodynamic therapy with an excellent evidence base. This approach is rooted in the research and clinical innovations of Dr Habib Davanloo, and focuses on safely and efficiently accessing unconscious affects or “unlocking the unconscious” early in the course of psychotherapy, in order to accelerate and deepen the therapeutic process and increase favourable outcomes.

ISTDP has a robust evidence base and has been shown to both relieve symptoms and bring about character change. This conference will present an introduction to ISTDP techniques and theory and will explore innovations to this model that have been introduced by Dr Robert Neborsky in his model of Attachment Based-ISTDP (AB-ISTDP).

AB-ISTDP applies the clinical insights and techniques of Davanloo’s ISTDP further informed by research on attachment and emotion regulation. This approach emphasizes the importance of maintaining a secure attachment bond between client and therapist and on identifying and challenging internalised working models which are based on earlier insecure or pathological attachment bonds. Effective techniques for identifying and working with the pathological superego early on in the treatment process is a unique focus of AB-ISTDP.

Dr Neborsky will present lecture material and video-filmed vignettes from AB-ISTDP psychotherapy sessions (subtitled in English) and demonstrate how therapists can help their clients improve their attachment styles and move from insecure states toward secure forms of adult attachment. Dr Sharon Lewis, who trained with Dr Neborsky in AB-ISTDP, will present additional case material.

Lämpimästi tervetuloa Suomen ensimmäisille AB-ISTDP (Attacment-Based Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy) koulutuspäiville!

Robert Neborsky ja Sharon Lewis tarjoavat Helsingissä kaksipäiväiset koulutuspäivät AB-ISTDP menetelmästä. Menetelmän ydin on oireiden taustalla vaikuttavien tiedostamattomien emotionaalisten ongelmien nopea tavoittaminen kokemuksellisuuteen painottuvan, aktiivisen ja turvallisen yhteistyösuhteen kautta.

Tavoite on aiemmin tiedostomattoman emotionaalisen materiaalin avautuminen psykoterapiatunnilla, joka käynnistää working throug prosessin. Keskeistä on tiivis työskentely vastarinnan ja defenssien kanssa tässä ja nyt sekä kehollinen ahdistuksen säätely yhdessä psykoterapeutin kanssa, jotta emotionaalinen prosessointi on mahdollista ja turvallista. AB-ISTDP malliin on integroitu tutkimus eri kiintymyssuhde tyyppien vaikutuksesta tunteiden säätelyyn ja se painottaa myös tiivistä superegopatologian kanssa työskentelyä.

Robert Neborsky esittelee työskentelyä eri kiintymyssuhdetyyppejä edustavien tapausten kanssa videoitujen potilastapausten avulla. Menetelmä on erittäin laajasti tutkittu ja sen on osoitettu toimivan sekä oireiden lievittämisessä että persoonallisuuden rakenteen muutoksessa.


Robert J. Neborsky, M.D., is a psychiatrist in private practice in Del Mar, California, and a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCSD School of Medicine as well as UCLA School of Medicine (Hon). He was a founding member on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy and served as guest editor of the Ad Hoc Bulletin of Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. In 2003, Dr. Neborsky was honored by the UCLA School of Medicine clinical faculty association as the Distinguished Psychiatric Lecturer of the year for 2002.

In 2001, he co-authored Short-Term Therapy for Long Term Change (Norton) and is acontributing author in the 2003 book, Healing Trauma (Norton). In 2011 along with Josette ten Have de Labije he authored Roadmap to the Unconscious: Mastering Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, Karnac Books (translated and published in Polish in 2017) In 2013 he published Predicting Attachment Status from Observation of a Clinical Intensive Psychotherapy Interview which was nominated for Progress in Psychology as one of the top articles of that year.: Recently the Second edition of The Collected Writings of Robert J. Neborsky was published by Itasca Books. (2018)

Dr. Neborsky’s professional activities include training students in the techniques of his unique Attachment-Based variety of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (IS-TDP), presenting at local, national and international symposia and seminars. His current research interests include examination of the interface between attachment theory, neuroscience, and psychotherapy. He is also exploring the application of ISTDP techniques to enhance recovery from traumatic brain injury and post concussive syndrome associated with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Co-prestenter Dr Sharon Lewis is a chartered clinical psychologist registered with the British Psychological Society and the Health and Care Professions Council in the United Kingdom. She is an IEDTA certified supervisor and trainer in ISTDP, and provides individual supervision and training for clinicians wishing to develop skills in this model. Her approach is focused on the attachment- based ISTDP model developed by Dr Robert Neborsky (USA), where the clinical insights and techniques of Davanloo’s ISTDP are further informed by research on attachment and emotion regulation.

Dr Lewis has experience both in private practice and in the National Health Service and has a particular interest in working with clients with anxiety difficulties and treatment-resistant depression, as well as those diagnosed with physical health conditions such as auto-immune disorders, fibromyalgia and chronic pain. She is one of the most senior ISTDP practitioners in the UK and has been at the forefront of the development of conferences and teaching programmes to introduce this method to clinicians in this country. She has also been a visiting lecturer on the clinical doctorate programmes, presented nationally and internationally at workshops and conferences and currently a series of training courses for clinicians interested in learning this method (www.istdp.london)

Bookings and Eligibility to attend:

The seminar is suitable for registered professionals working in mental health and allied fields including psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, GPs and psychiatrists. Registered trainees may also be eligible.

This is a live, in-person event and online attendance is not possible.

Tea/coffee will be provided, but lunch is not included in the fee. There are several options for lunch in the area of the hotel.

Bookings are final and refunds are not available. If, for circumstances beyond our control, the conference is cancelled, we will refund ticket fees but we will not be responsible for any additional costs (eg travel or accommodation) incurred.

Please email eila.saarinen@plusterveys.fi with any questions.


Seminaari on suunnattu sosiaali – ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille, jotka työskentelevät mielenterveystyössä tai sitä sivuavalla alla, kuten psykoterapeutit, psykologit, psykiatrit, lääkärit, psykiatriset sairaanhoitajat, sosiaalityöntekijät yms. sekä psykoterapiaopiskelijat. Ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä pyydetään ilmoittamaan JulkiTerhikki numero.

Seminaari toteutuu vain läsnätapahtumana, etäosallistuminen ei ole mahdollista.

Hintaan sisältyvät päivittäin kahdet kahvit, lounas on omakustanteinen. Alueella on paljon lounasvaihtoehtoja.

Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Jos seminaari jouduttaisin force major syistä peruuttamaan, palautetaan osallistumismaksu, mutta järjestävät eivät vastaa muista syntyneistä kuluista esim. matka- tai majoituskuluista.

TFPP Group hinta koskee TFPP koulutuksen keväällä 2023 aloittavia.

Mahdolliset kysymykset eila.saarinen@plusterveys.fi

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